Friday, September 23, 2011

My car pulls hard to the left after I took it in for an oil change...?

Ok, I drive a 2008 Civic Si. It only has 10,000 miles on it. I took it in for an oil change a week ago. First things first, they forgot to put my oil cap back on. After that fiasco, I had them find me another oil cap. I noticed the oil cap was missing that same day (but after they were closed). So I had to wait a couple of days until I had the chance to go back up there.. then another day until they could get me the cap. I haven't driven my car for a while since then, so I didn't realize that my car now pulls hard to the left. It didn't do that before I took it in for the oil change.

So my question...

what the hell did they do to my car? How would taking it in for an oil change cause the wheels to be out of alignment???My car pulls hard to the left after I took it in for an oil change...?Check your tire pressures? You may have run over a nail and have a slow leak.My car pulls hard to the left after I took it in for an oil change...?Maybe tire pressure. or, the could have just messed your allignment up. not sure how, but if you took it to walmart to get the oil changed, then there's your problem.My car pulls hard to the left after I took it in for an oil change...?check the rotor and pads for possible oil spill contamination
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